Monday, March 27, 2017

Browns' Joe Thomas: Kaepernick would be viewed as a distraction

     Free Agent QB, Colin Kaepernick, has drawn nearly no interest from any NFL team during the 2017 off-season.  Kaepernick, who had a good touchdown-to-interception ratio last season, is probably being ignored by teams due to his political involvement.  As you all remember, Kaepernick took a knee when the national anthem was being played last season to protest for the B.L.M. movement.  Colin recently announced that he would be standing this upcoming season.

     Joe Thomas of the Cleveland Browns offered his take on the situation on his Twitter account yesterday.  Thomas basically stated that the reason teams are not giving him an offer is because teams want to accept ZERO distractions and especially for someone who would most likely be a backup QB.


  1. I think Joe is right that Collin would end up just being a distraction.

  2. Pretty bad when the Browns don't even want you..
